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Dresser Couplings Style 38 are also available in cast-iron sizes from 2" to 72". These Couplings have long been used by gas and water com panies for the joining of plain-end cast-iron pipe. Dresser Couplings combine the advantages of abso lutely tight joints and easier, faster joint making. Style 38's also permit the salvage and use of random lengths of cast-iron pipe from which bell-ends or cracked sections have been removed.
Materials of construction are the same as those for Steel Pipe Sizemore Style 38 unless otherwise noted. Only Couplings for most commonly used sizes of cast-iron & ductile iron are shown. Couplings are supplied for all makes of pipe, and are regularly available in any special sizes. Details will be furnished on request for any size or class of pipe, or for any special condition. Can be furnished factory pre-coated where required. Only Couplings for most commonly used sizes of cast-iron & ductile iron are shown. Couplings are supplied for all makes of pipe, and are regularly available in any special sizes. Details and prices will be furnished on request for any size or class of pipe, or for any special condition. Can be furnished factory pre-coated where required. Details on request. less
Unit of Measure